Object Detection  5.0
Image Processing Using Qt and Opencv
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NCircleDetectorPluginsCommon namespace For all Plugins interfaces
 CImageProcessorPluginIFaceThe ImageProcessorPluginIFace is and interface used to apply filters to Images
 NImageProcessorCommon Namespace for all Image Processor Algorithms
 CAbstractImageProcessorThe ImageProcessor::AbstractImageProcessor is an Abstract Base Class For All Image Processor Classes
 CDetectCircleThis class is used To Detect circles in an image
 CDetectColorThis class is used to Detect Color given it's range(min, max) of hsv colors
 CDilateThis Class is used to perform morphological dilate operation on image see Morphological Operation
 CObjectDetectionThis class is used to detect a a colored circle object(s)