Object Detection
Image Processing Using Qt and Opencv
This is the complete list of members for SerialPortModel, including all inherited members.
avialabePorts() const (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | virtual |
data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | virtual |
headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | virtual |
MANUFACTURER enum value (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
PORT enum value (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
PORT_DESCRIPTION enum value (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
PORT_NAME enum value (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
PORT_SYSTEM_LOCATION enum value (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
portsInfo() const (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
refreshModel() (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | slot |
removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) override (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | virtual |
rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | virtual |
SERIAL_NUM enum value (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
SerialPortModel(QObject *parent=nullptr) (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | explicit |
setAvialabePorts(const QList< QSerialPort *> &avialabePorts) (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
setPortsInfo(const QList< QSerialPortInfo > &portsInfo) (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
type enum name (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | |
~SerialPortModel() (defined in SerialPortModel) | SerialPortModel | virtual |